
Consciously building relationships with children

Building good, healthy relationships with children is crucial for their emotional and social development.

A child is a human being who has feelings, his rights and duties, which should be successively implemented from an early age.

Children need to have rules, the rhythm of the day strengthens their sense of security. They have their own individual character, which builds values taken from home as well as the environment and relationships with others have a great influence on the formation of character traits.

For these relationships to be good, one must be allowed to make mistakes, to pursue dreams, to be independent and individual by showing acceptance and support, without judging.

The first years of a child’s life, including infancy and early childhood, are crucial for the psyche and development of the child. It is then that basic patterns of behavior, emotions, social relationships and cognitive abilities are formed. The period of the first six years of a child’s life is essential for the future. It is at this stage that man is formed in the neurological sense. However, it should be remembered that character traits are shaped throughout life.

The values, behaviors and beliefs that we pass on to our children will stay with them for many years. Let’s remember not to pass on our fears or bad experiences to our children.

We raise children not for ourselves but for the world.

  • Listen and understand – Be available to listen to your children and understand their feelings and needs. Be present in moments of conversation, showing interest and empathy.
  • Be patient – Show your support and forbearance when your child has difficulties. Be patient in difficult situations and stay calm even when the situation is stressful.
  • Show love and support – Convey your feelings to your child by telling him/her that you love them and that they can always count on you.  Express your support and pride in their achievements, even the small ones.
  • Spend time together – Find time for activities together and spending time together as a family. Have fun together, walk, read books together, or do other activities you like.
  • Build trust – Be consistent in your actions and promises to build trust between you and your child. Be open and honest in your communication.
  • Learn together – Be interested in the life and interests of the child. Support them in their passions and interests by learning new things together and discovering the world.
  • Learn from them – Remember that children have a lot to offer and can teach us many valuable things. Be open to their perspective and experience.
  • Be consistent – Set boundaries and rules but be consistent in enforcing them. Children need a clear framework in which they can develop and feel safe.
  • Show respect – Treat your children with respect and dignity even when you are unhappy with their behavior. Avoid defining, criticizing or aggression against them.
  • Remember self-care – Take care of your own physical and emotional needs so you can be a better parent for your children. Be aware of your limits and seek support when you need it.

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Kuba Rutkowski – Native Speaker

Urodzony w Chicago, mieszka w Polsce i pomoże Tobie szlifować język angielski w konwersacjach.

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